Victorian Online Compensation Lawyer

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Calculate your WorkCover Rates of Pay

Special rules apply for workers injured whilst working casual, shift work, overtime or other situations. It's important that this is done correctly at the start of a claim as the rate of pay assigned by WorkCover is the base figure applied to all weekly wages received from WorkCover.

The rate of pay is known as PIAWE or pre-injury average weekly earnings. 

Casual Worker

A PIAWE  calculation for casual workers can be difficult. 

You must have all wage slips/payment summaries and pay rates that you can find for the 12 months before injury when calculating the correct rate that should apply. If someone has worked for less than 12 months then you need just those that cover the period of time Before the Injury.

Second jobs should also be included.

Shift Allowance and Overtime

These wage supplements should also be included in a WorkCover PIAWE, with the average of each over the 12 months previous being included in the PIAWE rate of pay.

Incorrect Calculation

WorkCover/WorkSafe get PIAWE calculations wrong daily. If a rate of pay is wrong it is very easy to appeal to Conciliation - contact me if you want some help with this.