WorkSafe or TAC Should Not be Privatised

The Government has spoken of its desire to continue to asset recycle Victorian publicly owned assets to allow for even greater infrastructure initiatives. Whilst the Andrews Government should be applauded for its drive and commitment for major infrastructure projects since commencing Government in 2014 any suggestion that TAC or WorkSafe should be considered for sale needs to go no further. 

The two compensation schemes provide a safety net to provide injured people, often seriously and even catastrophically injured people, with the comfort of lost wage protection, coverage for medical expenses and compensation. 

I deal with both the TAC and WorkSafe. The TAC self-administer its claims largely. This allows for a consistent and predictable approach to claims which makes life so much easier for those injured in car accidents to know what will be covered, how it will be covered and who to call if something goes wrong.

Worksafe contract out the day to day management of its claims to privately owned insurance companies (currently Allianz, CGU, Xchanging, EML and Gallagher Bassett). I regularly see the divergence between how a claim is handled between the different insurers despite WorkSafe's overall management of the scheme. 

If either of the schemes were privatised I fear that when privately owned the schemes would not support fully the long term well being of people in our community suffering long term injuries sustained in car accidents or at work.