The Government has spoken of its desire to continue to asset recycle Victorian publicly owned assets to allow for even greater infrastructure initiatives. Whilst the Andrews Government should be applauded for its drive and commitment for major infrastructure projects since commencing Government in 2014 any suggestion that TAC or WorkSafe should be considered for sale needs to go no further.
Read MoreFollowing the events that rocked Melbourne on 20 January 2016 both the public and the Andrews Government have shown overwhelming support for victims caught up in the tragedy.
This week the Government announced that former Police Commissioner, Mr Ken Lay APM, would chair the Bourke Street Fund Panel. The Fund has already raised over one million dollars in public donations and Government support.
Read MoreThe Andrews Government has shown its clear intention to support those who have suffered from the events on Bourke Street on Friday 20th January.
Support and loss of income compensation is available to anyone who is suffering or has lost income following the events either due to physical injury or witnessing the crime.
Read MoreThere are some simple rules that you must follow to make a TAC claim following a transport accident.
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